Sunday, August 19, 2012


So today I was at a picnic. Overall in my old way of thinking everything was very healthy. Sub sandwiches on wheat bread, pasta salad with a lot vegetables, and salad with croutons. There were olives in the pasta salad for our healthy fat.

Out of the options provided I could eat the fruit and vegetables. I could have picked apart and just eaten the meat and cheese of sandwhiches and olives out of the pasta salad.  I did choose to eat the pasta salad and my carb intake was extremely high due to all of the vegetables, pasta, and fruit. I crashed in about 30 minutes of eating. I was running around the yard playing with my son, Drake, on a really cool four wheeler when it hit me. I felt like I needed to sit down/take a nap or eat more carbs to keep going.

I very much hate this feeling. I always wondered why after going to birthday parties, home to my mom and dads house for meals, or after eating certain meals I feel this way. The carb intake is the reason why. I now know that the right combinations are huge.

Next picnic I go to I will be sure to make a meat and veggies based salad to take along (will look for recipe). I will also pack a nut mix in my purse and will practice more visualization before I go. I had a busier morning so was extremely hungry when I got there and ate a little quickly. For me the big thing is standing out or being different from others. I keep telling myself that most people are so focused on what they are eating they are not even paying attention to you. Also telling myself that I know I do not want to feel tired and lethargic after I eat and that is why I am making these choices.

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